September 27, 2023
Hey Sunrise Movement Sacramento,
We have a lot of upcoming in-person events to share with you from us and our amazing network of community partners! Here's a summary of what you'll find further below:
Fri: September 29th film screening & discussion by 350 Sacramento
Sat: September 30th Abolition 101 training by The Reclamation Project @ 916 as part of Decarcerate Sacramento's Abolition camp series of events
Sun: October 1st is our Welcome Picnic for both new and familiar faces to get to know one another!
Sun: October 8th "How to Decarcerate Sacramento" Local Politics 101 training developed by us!! as part of the Abolition camp series of events
For the latest updates and announcements we're most active on Instagram @sunrisemvmtsac, and on rarer occasion use Twitter if it still exists(?) @SacSunrise
Welcome Picnic
October 1st, 1pm - 4pm Midtown Sac
Join Sunrise Movement Sacramento for a picnic this Sunday, October 1st!
Join us for an in-person outdoors get-together to bring both new folks and familiar faces back in to our work. Centered around getting to know one another and sharing stories of some of our favorite movement memories ~ we'll save the slideshows for another time.
Bring snacks to share, a game to play, picnic blanket and/or chairs if you have some, maybe a yoga mat, or just a smile (even if on a masked face) to give :)
1 - 2pm: unstructured hangout
2pm: introductions, story sharing, and movement memories
Until 4pm: unstructured hangout
Register now!
The Story of Plastic Screening
September 29th, 6pm - 8:30pm Downtown Sac
This is an announcement from 350 Sacramento -
Join 350 Sacramento for a film screening and conversation with the co-creator this Friday, September 29th!
RSVP with a suggested donation to attend in person in downtown Sacramento at 909 12th Street, Sacramento CA 95814. This event also has a hybrid viewing option available.
Register now!
Abolition 101
September 30th, 11am - 2pm Oak Park
This is an announcement from The Reclamation Project @ 916 -
"Abolition 101, co-hosted by The Reclamation Project @ 916 and Decarcerate Sacramento, is an interactive and transformative workshop on abolitionist history and anti-carceral community care. Join them on Saturday, September 30, at the Brickhouse Gallery & Art Complex (2837 36th St. Sacramento) from 11:00AM to 2:00PM.
Abolition 101 will explore the origins and modern-day imperative of prison abolition, especially amidst the rise in state-manufactured violence against people of color, unhoused folks, tenants, the poor and working-class, and numerous other marginalized groups within Sacramento County and beyond.
As a fundamentals workshop introducing abolitionist organizing, rethinking societal notions of safety and justice, and connecting the community to imagine a world beyond mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex, Abolition 101 is made 100% youth-friendly and encourages intergenerational conversation.
Come through for open and safe discussion, art-focused activities, free food, zines, resources, and more. Let us dream, define, and instill community power!"
How to Decarcerate Sacramento
October 8th, 1pm - 4pm Land Park
Sunrise Movement Sacramento has been working with our friends at Decarcerate Sacramento on developing out a Local Politics 101 deep-dive training, and we're excited to finally share it!
This is an announcement from Decarcerate Sacramento -
"Frustrated with Sacramento County's $1B new jail plan? Keen to dive into local politics but don't know where to start? Join us on Oct 8th, 1 pm at Organize Sacramento (1714 Broadway, Sacramento), and let's learn how to decarcerate Sacramento together. Discover the decision-making process, the key players & how you can contribute. Get insights on Decarcerate Sacramento's campaigns against jail expansion. Be part of a collective demanding care over cages"