Camp Resolution

Sunrise Movement Sacramento is firmly in defense of Camp Resolution's struggle to achieve safety and self determination.

This webpage lists public records and resources to try to provide clarity and ease of access to learn about the situation surrounding Camp Resolution.

The best source to listen to when it comes to a matter of environmental injustice such as this one is the lived experience of the people impacted, follow Camp Resolution on Instagram at: 

Updates in 2024:

Updates in 2022:

On November 15th, 2022, we joined a mobilization of community members who spoke out at a Sacramento City Council meeting and successfully prevented a planned "sweep" that would have forcibly removed everyone from Camp Resolution and destroyed their survival gear. 

November 10, 2022 - A letter submitted to the City of Sacramento in defense of Camp Resolution by one of our members: 

Quick facts

Public Records Requests

[No records yet released] Public Records Act Request of the City of Sacramento filed on February 9, 2023:

Public Records Act Request of the City of Sacramento, released on January 26, 2023: 

Key documents:

What does the data say about safety?

September 28, 2011 Indoor Air Risk Assessment report conducted by The Westmark Group on behalf of the City of Sacramento, submitted to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region: 

December 7, 2021 Outdoor Air Assessment Report conducted by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. on behalf of the City of Sacramento, submitted to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region: 

What's been recently done to develop the land?

A portion of the Colfax Yard site was paved on behalf of the City of Sacramento for an expense of over $600,000 sometime after October 2021

We were able to find this set of improvement plans for parking paving by the City of Sacramento: 

October 14, 2021 "Colfax Yard Paving site plan" map by the City of Sacramento, aerial image of Colfax Yard prior to paving with a marked "area to be paved": 

What agreements are currently in place?

There was recently a lease agreement between the City of Sacramento, Safe Ground Sacramento Inc., and Camp Resolution regarding use of the Colfax Yard site that was set to auto renew every "120 days or until all residents were placed in individual, permanent durable housing". The status of this lease may currently be legally contested.


May 31, 2024 Extension of Variance to Land Use Covenant:

January 13, 2022 Variance to Land Use Covenant: 

June 15, 2017 Covenant and Agreement to Restrict Use of Property: