August 18, 2023

Hey Sunrise Movement Sacramento,


We have a lot of updates and upcoming events to share with you from our amazing network of community partners! This update will be a long one, here's a summary of what you'll find further below:

Sunrise Mvmt Sacramento General Meeting

August 26th, 11am - 12pm on Zoom​ 

Join Sunrise Movement Sacramento for our next general meeting on Saturday, August 26th!

Meet with us from 11am - 12pm on Zoom. This event is open to anyone active or interested in joining our organization! We'll take some time to get to know each other and then share some updates on what we've been up to, working on, & need help with, + upcoming events :)


All participants will be expected to uphold our community agreements, which can be reviewed at: Feel like you want to get caught up? Review our Who Are We update or explore our website at


Register for the Zoom link now! 

Sunrise Movement Sacramento General Meeting Saturday, August 26, 11am - 12pm on Zoom. Zoom's auto-generated live captioning feature will be enabled during the meeting. All participants will be expected to uphold:

For the latest updates and announcements we're most active on Instagram @sunrisemvmtsac, and on rarer occasion use Twitter if it still exists(?) @SacSunrise

Rally for Safe Routes to School @ City Council

August 22nd, 3:30pm 

This is an announcement from Civic Thread


The City of Sacramento is presenting its draft General Plan 2040 Update and Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) at City Council on Tuesday, Aug. 22 at 5:00 pm. These are critical planning documents as they direct the City's long-range policy guide for the future


Despite the City of Sacramento having the highest number of speed-related pedestrian fatalities under the age 15 of any city in California, no Safe Routes to School policies are explicitly included in the General Plan to ensure young people can safely walk, bike, and roll around their communities. Moreover, despite the City's overreliance on fossil fuels and cars, the draft CAAP is not even close to ambitious in terms of carbon reduction goals.  

Civic Thread needs your help advocating for a healthier, safer, more equitable Sacramento. Never participated in a city council meeting virtually or in person before? We got you! Visit this link for responses to Frequently Asked Questions. Customizable templates for in-person or online comments can be found at this link. A separate template is included for students so councilmembers and planning staff can hear from youth directly on their first-hand experiences walking and biking to or around school. 


To encourage our young people to come out and support each other, we will be hosting a "General Plan Pizza Party and Pep Rally" at our office (909 12th St) and then walking over as a large group to City Hall (0.3 miles, 6 min. walk) before the council meeting starts at 5:00 pm. $25 Visa gift cards to the first 10 students who bring a friend or family member."

Civic Thread. Click here to register! General Plan & Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, City Council Pizza Party Pep Rally! Comment letter templates. Non alcoholic bevvies - Music - Pizza! Join Civic Thread in advocating for strong Safe Routes to School, environmental justice, health equity, and climate action policies at Sacramento City Council on Tuesday, August 22nd. But first... let's party! Tues, August 22. Breathe California Building, 909 12th St, Sacramento, CA 95814. Join us! 3:30 - 4:30pm. At 4:30 we walk to city hall together! First 10 students who bring a firend or family member will recieve a $25 gift card!

End Fossil Fuels - Global day of action

September 17th 

Climate organizers across northern CA are taking action in Sacramento this September, this message is from Oil & Gas Action Network - 

"In New York this September, the United Nations Secretary-General is hosting a first-of-its-kind Climate Ambition Summit to demand that nations stop the fossil fuel expansion that is driving the climate emergency. And thousands of activists around the world will take to the streets to demand their governments stop permitting fossil fuel projects. 

Join us in Sacramento on Sunday September 17 to demand that Governor Newsom and President Biden End the Era of Fossil Fuels - commit to ending new permits, phase out oil and gas production, and declare a climate emergency!

Biden told us on the campaign trail that there would be no more oil drilling on federal lands. And yet, his administration has now permitted more fossil fuel projects than Trump, including Willow in Alaska, LNG in the Gulf, and fast-tracking the Mountain Valley Pipeline in the Virginias. 

Biden’s failure is Newsom’s opportunity to show what real climate leadership looks like. While we have only seen 7 new oil drilling permits in California so far this year, oil drilling continues to happen just feet from homes, schools and hospitals all over the state. 

This could be the moment that Newsom issues a moratorium on new oil drilling permits. We need people power to show him that is what Californians want.  

Sign up to join us for an action to End the Era of Fossil Fuels on Sunday Sept 17th in Old Sacramento for a family-friendly day of action, featuring carnival games, a giant puppet show, speakers and performers. To volunteer at the event, contact "

Join the action to end fossil fuels. Sacramento, September 17. Join us: Art, training, connection -

Feeling hyped and looking to do more than just show up? Join the Hype Call on August 26th at 6pm to learn more and get plugged in to organizing efforts! 

Join the action to end the era of fossil fuels. Sacramento, September 17. Biden, Newsom: 1 Declare a climate emergency 2 End fossil fuel permits. Join the Hype Call on August 26 at 6pm to learn more and get plugged in to organizing efforts!

Stand Up for State Scientists March

August 30th, 12 - 2pm

This is a request for solidarity from the California Association of Professional Scientists - 

For the last three years, state scientists have been without a contract and faced challenges making it difficult to implement the climate and pollution prevention policies and programs that have been enacted in CA.

Passing climate policies won't matter if workers aren't equipped to get the job of implementing them done!

Due to the lack of a contract, challenges that state scientists are experiencing include:

Will you stand with state scientists by telling CalHR and Governor Newsom to value their work and provide them with the resources they need to be successful?

School Supplies for Solidarity

September 2nd & 3rd, 4:30 - 7pm 

The Reclamation Project @ 916 is hosting Supplies for Solidarity: an annual, community-wide, back-to-school resource distribution & campaign providing free school supplies, classroom materials, and other essential needs to Sacramento area’s students, teachers, and working-class families of marginalized & under-served backgrounds as an effort to achieve equitable and liberating, anti-oppression education.

"We welcome community members in need to stop by our distribution and gather material supports for the upcoming school year! Expanding our capacity to serve, we are offering two separate locations for the 2023 event.

Saturday, September 2, 2023:

24th Street Bypass Park

(7290 24th St. Bypass. Sacramento, CA 95822)



Sunday, September 3, 2023:

Leland Stanford Park

(205 27th St. Sacramento, CA 95816)

4:30PM-7:00PM "

Supplies for Solidarity. For the people, by the people! Meeting the needs of all in the public education system. Free supplies! Supporting BIPOC, educators, working-class families. Community Mutual Aid. Day 1 September 2, 2023 from 4:30pm - 7pm at 24th Street Bypass Park: 7920 24th St. Bypass, Sacramento, CA 95822. Day 2 September 3, 2023 from 4:30pm - 7pm at Leland Stanford Park: 205 27th St. Sacramento, CA 95816