July 10, 2024

Sunrise Movement Sacramento

July 10, 2024

Hey Sunrise Movement Sacramento,


We are currently in a state of emergency in the form of this ongoing heatwave we're experiencing. And, our local governments are failing us. You can read more about how in the words we recently sent their way.


Meanwhile, like I've never seen before in the 5 years that Sunrise Movement Sacramento has existed, I am witness to dozens if not hundreds of Sacramentans mobilizing in response to the crisis of this heatwave to distribute water, ice, and survival gear, to open cooling stations in the community, and to preserve as much life as we can.


We know a better world is possible because we are showing up together to make it into being by caring for one another.


And so, I'm writing to you today to ask that you get involved.

Support cooling stations in Sacramento


We've been compiling a list of cooling stations that community members have been setting up all across town and keeping track of which stations need support.


Wait but what are cooling stations?

Cooling stations may just be a spot that people are dropping off cases of water or filling a publicly accessible ice chest, or they might be an open office building with air conditioning like DSA is operating out of Organize Sacramento's office.


If you're interested in getting involved, check out the tracker document we've been compiling linked below! It lists out all 30+ stations with map links that we're keeping track of so far and has a section for updates on each one, so you can see when the last time someone filled it was and which stations might be in need of a resupply of drinks and ice.


Whether you can be out and about around town getting or distributing supplies, volunteer for a shift so we can keep the Organize Sacramento office operating, or just donate funds for supplies - there's a way for anyone to participate!

If you can be involved more consistently over the next week, we also have a group chat that folks have been using to coordinate. If you're interested in joining, send us a direct message on Instagram @sunrisemvmtsac and we'll get you added! 

In community,




Find our latest updates and announcements on Instagram @sunrisemvmtsac where we are most active, with much more frequency than by email.